Research Projects

Comunicare la tecnologia bellica

Communicate war technologies: a comparative gaze to technoscientific popularization through illustrated magazines, 1914-1918

General Research Area CULTURAL STUDIES



Data avvio: 1 January 2017

Data termine: 1 January 2017


In the first part the candidate will locate and interpret the rhetorical and graphical strategies put in place by Italian, American, French and British magazines in order to popularize war technologies during the first global conflict. The analysis will start from popularization magazines and will draw a comparison with the communication of war science and technology in other media (general interest magazines, literature, propaganda and advertisements).

The second part of the grant will be devoted to the conception and organization of a photographic and documentary exposition on World War I technologies and their popularization. The event, organized by the Centro Interuniversitario di Storia Culturale in collaboration with the Galileo Museum in Florence and the Turati Foundation, will be part of the Festival della Scienza events, will take place in Genova at the end of 2017 and will be accompanied by a catalogue that the candidate will have to edit.

Reseach fellow:
Dr. Federico Mazzini